Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Preparation is the key!

Quite a busy week this week. Boys were back to school on Monday 11th but I just don't know where the week went.

I've made the first two batches of lemon curd for my craft event at the end of the month.I made the decision to only take part in the Saddleworth Creative Network (SCN) fair as this means the most to me.

Will start organising myself for baking soon, I promise.

Just to remind you here is what the SCN event is all about!

Listening to Chris Beardshaw on Chris Evans one morning this week, they were talking about growing herbs practically anywhere. Well, here are the chives with ivy I have had growing by my front door for the last 8 months or so. 

Staying in the front garden, FINALLY I have Penstimons in flower, yeah! I have three lots and these are the best right now. So chuffed!

That is about it because just so busy for Sunday. Hope to have a few pictures to share with you after the weekend.