It's been a little while since my last post but my very favourite time of the year is upon us.
I just love the new beginnings which come with September. The boys went back to school yesterday and I can't quite comprehend that they are in years 2 and 3! I'm slightly sad they will not see out their primary education in their current school because of our moving plans, but I'm making the most of things whilst we are still here. Two different playgrounds, a new book bag to buy and all the necessary lunch, PE kits etc made for the usually interesting morning at the beginning of a new term. Can't wait to get the raft of letters, which will duly arrive over the next week or so, about all the exciting things they will be doing, new class topics and field trips to be made. I tweeted a timetable I found yesterday so we all know what everybody is doing, seperate to the main home organisation calendar we have on the wall! Call me particular if you like! So,what have I been up to lately?
I finally got round to a bit of sewing and decided to replace my ancient peg bag so ta dah!
I love the material and, though slightly wonky at the top, I am chuffed with it as it does the job.
I've been working on something else recently but can't share it as it is a gift but pictures will follow later, I promise.
I found
I had bought excess red onions and decided to make one of my fav
recipes to use them up - red onion and balsamic vinegar chutney. Some of
you may remember my tweeting about the last batch I made, once you get
the onions but it's a piece of cake and very rich and yummy, possibly
something to do with the glug of red wine the recipe calls for! I put
the chutney in these oh so cute Kilner jars as they just give that extra
zing when you have made something yourself and I love seeing them in
the fridge. Have to check I open the right one as I use them for lemon
curd too.

Well, must dash as need to get some lunch and am having coffee with a friend via the post office before the afternoon school run.
Catch ya later! xx