Well I have so many things running around my head at the moment - Pinterest has just got in the way for half an hour so REALLY need to focus!
I am loving my #Post Circle, in fact this morning I received a letter from a new snail mail friend called Nikki. Check out her jewellery at Bead It And Weep. She sent me this lovely hand made bracelet for my birthday. How cute is that? (Oooh sounding a bit like Ina Garten there!)
On Tuesday I went blackberry picking after seeing on the news that there is currently an abundance of hedgerow fruit. We get a good lot of blackberries near where we live so out I went with my trusty basket and got plenty, baking a lovely pie was the obvious thing to do and here it is. The picture was taken just as it came out of the oven as I had the feeling it would not last that long, and boy was I right!
Free, foraged fruit. doesn't get much better than that, really!
Today I have pulled my Christmas craft supplies out from under the spare bed and had a look at what I have got. I have already bought a couple of new things but need to see what I will be making.
It is no secret at all that I love Christmas but things are going to be a little different this year, but more of that next week. Those of you who are paper crafters may see some Tim Holtz inspired items here. I really love his products and style so cannot wait to incorporate some more of it into this year's crafting projects.
Going back to my #Post Circle for a moment, I decided that I needed to really make an effort with the envelopes I was sending out. Plain white really does not cut it so this is something I am planning on doing in between other things.

I finally finished the sewing project gift for my friend as I think I said last time and today it went in the post, so hopefully I will be able to share a picture once it has been received.
Well, have to leave it there as hubby will be home shortly wanting lunch and I have MORE baking to do for the school Macmillan coffee morning tomorrow. Planning on baking cupcakes in flat bottomed ice cream cones - will post a picture of the finished items!
Take care and stop by again some time soon. xx