Only recently did I discover, where have you been, the wonderful publication that is Pretty Nostalgic.
This is a simply delightful celebration of our past and reminds us to Make Do and Mend, Count Your Blessings, Waste Not Want Not and lots of other advice! The newest edition is now on sale in WH Smiths and independent stockists such as vintage retailers.

So, check out the website and you can also find them on Facebook here.
I have also bought a copy of a book they produced which is called "Home - Happy Days From Vintage Ways".
As a paper crafter I have been using images from the book to help create some of my journal embellishments.
It is like the most wonderful pack of 12 x 12 scrapbooking papers with inspiration that helps me create wonderful paper craft lovelies, and because it is so packed with gorgeousness it will last me an age!
This is my latest journal using extracts from this amazing book.
Come on everybody, lets get Pretty Nostalgic!
Hi Neela. Thanks for stopping by and very happy you like what you see. I am hopping over to look at your blog right now. Love the name.x