Sunday, 8 June 2014

Recent Crafty Sensations!

To say I have been itching to show you this first project is a mahoosive understatement! 

I came up with the idea of sewing a liner for the lid not long after buying the suitcase for the knockdown, bargain price of £8 on this trip out junkin'.

It has taken a while and one reason for that is I didn't want to cut into any of my fabric stash and was trying to use scraps. Well, with the help of some fabric donations from the lovely Little Bohemian Butterfly I have finished this labour of absolute love; I squealed with excitement when I held it up against the case to see if it looked as good as I hoped it would - and it does!!

So here is the before picture...

and here with great excitement is the finished article, with close ups!

I am so very pleased with it, as I think you can tell.

Next up is something I have just not got round to re-jigging but now this is done, too. I bought this little straw hat for 75p from a charity shop to use as a summer decoration. Again this has been fixed with a donation of fabric and I have pinned the chiffon-like scarf fabric onto the hat and draped the tiny beading around it. I really like it and because of the size it will probably fit on the mantle along with the bunting I recently made to go up for summer, so here it is -

And finally, I am looking at trying out new mediums for my crafting and just seeing what I can come up with. This is a small piece of mounting board, 2 x 2 inches, which I have covered with some fabric, added a co-ordinating brad and used some distress ink on the edges to age it a little. Not sure what I will use it for but love it anyway! Take a look!

I do hope you like my crafty sensations? I feel sensational finishing my suitcase and trying new things.

Thanks for stopping by, tell your friends and catch ya later!xx


  1. Well done Miss Crafty Pants. I'm so pleased you got to finish your lining it looks great. Xx

  2. It looks lovely, well done!! :) xxx

  3. The lining looks very pretty Louise, love the cute hat too!

  4. That lining is so pretty! A great idea and lovely finished article, too x


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